Long time no blog!!

A lot has been keeping me busy this past month, the details of which I shall get into soon enough. As a result, I have not been able to find time for my personal projects which is close to unbearable for me.

Out of sheer desperation of putting out something that involves happiness and passion, I present to you a horribly shot, badly edited video compilation of my birthday last year. As a consequence of many unfortunate events that happened earlier that year, my birthday was, to me, a symbol of emancipation. I decided to spend it alone doing all the things I would like to do throughout the year and doing all the things that just make me happy.

In an effort not to give in to the comfort of my car, I set out to explore the city by public transport and on foot. I went to see monuments, exhibitions, old delhi, eat good street food. Here is the worst video to prove it 🙂

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